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Botanical nameEucalyptus marginataOriginJarrah grows in the south-west corner of Western Australia.T


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  38325 Hits

Red Ironbark

Botanical nameEucalyptus paniculataEucalyptus drepanophyllaEucalyptus siderophloiaEucalyptus decepta


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Grey Ironbark

 Botanical nameEucalyptus paniculataEucalyptus drepanophyllaEucalyptus siderophloiaEucalyptus decept


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Grey Gum

Botanical nameEucalyptus propinquacalyptus punctataOriginGrey Gum grows in the coastal districts fro


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Grey Box

Botanical nameEucalyptus bosistoanaOriginGrey Box grows in eastern Victoria and on the southern and


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Botanical nameQuercus albaOriginFierStreak comes from Gippsland VictoriaTrading namesFireStreakAppea


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Sydney Blue Gum

Sydney Blue Gum is a large hardwood species growing to a height of 60 meters or more. It occurs nati


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Mountain Ash

An Australian hardwood, and the tallest of the eucalyptus, Mountain Ash is from the mountain regions


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