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Botanical nameEucalyptus propinquacalyptus punctataOriginGrey Gum grows in the coastal districts fro


Botanical nameEucalyptus bosistoanaOriginGrey Box grows in eastern Victoria and on the southern and


Botanical nameQuercus albaOriginFierStreak comes from Gippsland VictoriaTrading namesFireStreakAppea


Sydney Blue Gum is a large hardwood species growing to a height of 60 meters or more. It occurs nati


An Australian hardwood, and the tallest of the eucalyptus, Mountain Ash is from the mountain regions


Botanical nameE. delegatensis & E. regnansOriginVictoriaTrading namesVic AshAppearanceHeartwoodd


Botanical nameE. delegatensis, E. obliqua & E. regnansOriginTasmania, VictoriaTrading namesTasma


 Botanical nameCorymbia maculataCorymbia citriodoraCorymbia henryiOriginSpotted Gum grows in the coa



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